Author: admin
Convert svn repository to git
mkdir ~/Sites/repo_tmp cd ~/Sites/repo_tmp git-svn init –no-metadata git config svn.authorsfile ~/Sites/git-users.txt git-svn fetch git-svn show-ignore > .gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m “Convert svn ignored files to .gitignore” cd ~/Sites git clone repo_tmp repo
use grep for either of two strings
Options to look for several reg exp with grep. -i for case insensitive and -E for reg exp. grep -iE “(jpg|gif)” your-file-with-text.txt
Shell script for domain searching binge
This is an easy script to find out if a domain is available. It works with generic tld. #!/bin/bash while read i; do echo -n “$i is “; whois $i | grep -F “$(echo -e ‘No match\nNOT FOUND\n AVAIL’)” -q && echo ‘AVAILABLE! :D’ || echo ‘taken :(‘; done
How to rename a mysql database or table
Here is a dirty script to rename a mysql database or table from command line. Dont for get to stop mysql service! cd /var/lib/mysql/ /etc/init.d/mysql stop # rename database… mv olddbname newdbname # …or table cd database/ mv oldname.frm newname.frm mv oldname.MYD newname.MYD mv oldname.MYI newname.MYI /etc/init.d/mysql start
Find latest file in a directory methods
Sometimes there are so many files in a directory that it’s hard to find the last file in the directory. We show you here 2 ways for finding it out. With awk we print the last argument of the last line: $ ls -lrt | awk ‘{ f=$NF }; END{ print f }’ Reverse ordering…
how to batch file rename in bash shell
This is a quick way of renaming a batch of files matching a reg exp in bash. ls foo*.jpg | awk ‘{print(“mv “$1” “$1)}’ | sed ‘s/foo/bar/2’ | /bin/sh
Vars expansion
Some examples of how to work with variables in bash. ### Vars expansion with ${} ### ## Default value # If a variable is not set a default value will be used. If it’s set, # its value is used echo ${NAME:-Pepe} # -> Pepe NAME=”Juanje” echo ${NAME:-Pepe} # -> Juanje ## Assign a default value…
Bash cron job for ipfw
With this lines in a cronjob,usually (/etc/cron.d/yourcronjob) in gnu/linux, you can add some rules to your firewall so no one can go out of your lan in the intervals specified, and then back to normal. In this case, ip would be blocked. 0 21 * * 0-4 /sbin/ipfw add 1 deny all from…